Clannad movie nagisa coat
Clannad movie nagisa coat

clannad movie nagisa coat

After this, Tomoya and Nagisa start living together in a small apartment in town while Tomoya works for an electrical company and Nagisa works part-time as a waitress at a local family restaurant.

clannad movie nagisa coat

Shortly after the festival, Nagisa's health falters once again and she has to take another leave of absence from school for a year, meaning it is not until a year after Tomoya's class graduated that Nagisa is able to graduate high school as well. At the play's conclusion, Tomoya realizes that he and Nagisa were meant to be together and confesses his love to her.

clannad movie nagisa coat

Gradually, Tomoya comes to realize that the story Nagisa is reciting is the same dream that he has had since he was a child, and is shocked to find that Nagisa also had the same dream of the dead world. Nagisa starts with her monologue without a hitch, and during her recitation, Kouko gives stage directions to Tomoya and Youhei via headsets. For the play, Sanae gives Nagisa her wedding dress to use as her costume, much to the surprise of Akio. Nagisa wants to do drama so as to continue her parents' dreams in her footsteps. During lunch, she tells them that the reason why she wanted to do drama was due to her parents formally having been theater actors, but they both had to give up acting after Nagisa was born. Nagisa has her performance in the evening, so in the meantime, Nagisa hangs out with Tomoya and Youhei. When the school festival finally begins, Nagisa reveals that she has not finished the script, but still wants to go on with the play since the story is still within her. After some searching, he finds a large sakura tree known as the "tree of promise" where he believes he will meet the person he has felt is with him in this dead world. He finds a discarded human-sized doll and uses it as a body to travel around the world on an old bicycle. In his dream, he initially is disembodied in a dead world where he is the only thing "alive". Like Nagisa, Tomoya has also had a recurring dream ever since he was a child. At Nagisa's house, which turns out to double as a bakery, Tomoya meets her energetic parents Sanae (Kikuko Inoue) and Akio (Ryōtarō Okiayu), and even gets to stay overnight after being heavily persuaded by Nagisa's father. Nagisa gets to writing the script, and invites Tomoya and Youhei over to her house for dinner, though only Tomoya can come due to Youhei taking up a part-time job with an electrical company. The drama club is reformed, and with a month left until the school festival, Nagisa decides to do a soliloquy based on a dream she has had ever since she was a child meanwhile, Tomoya and Youhei work backstage with the music and lights respectively. In the end, Nagisa gets Tomoya and Youhei to sign up, and she reassures them that she will not ask them to act on stage. Tomoya and Youhei try again by this time making copies of hundreds of posters and putting them all around the school, but no one joins the club. Kouko Ibuki (Yūko Minaguchi), the teacher who had been the adviser for the drama club before it disbanded, gets involved by telling Nagisa that if she can gather more members that she will talk to the school about reforming the club. This angers Youhei greatly and he beats up one of the student council members. Tomoya, and his good friend Youhei Sunohara (Daisuke Sakaguchi), help Nagisa with putting them up around the school, but the student council quickly goes around and uses red paint to deface the posters and write 'invalid' on them. By the time the sakura trees are done blooming, Nagisa has already started hand-making posters advertising the drama club's reformation. Tomoya suggests she finds something new to do at school, and she comes up with restarting the drama club. Nagisa is repeating her last year of high school due to having been sick most of the previous year, and this year she does not know what to do. Tomoya meets a third-year girl from his school one day early in the school year named Nagisa Furukawa (Mai Nakahara). Due to this, he simply goes to school for no reason and does not have any interest in school activities. Tomoya Okazaki (Kenji Nojima) is a male third-year high school student who does not feel at home due to a distant father who works a night shift, and a mother who died when he was a child.


Clannad ( クラナド, Kuranado ?, "CLANNAD") is a film based on the visual novel and anime series of the same name.

Clannad movie nagisa coat